ide@s server: “install or upgrade the last stable linux kernel in ubuntu 12.04lts server edition”


Linux Kernel 3.7.3 is just been released from Linus Torvalds and is already available for ubuntu  through the packages realized by Ubuntu’s  Kernel team. The last upgrade of the release 3.7.x fixes some bug previously found in in the previous releases. The steps to install that one in ubuntu 12.04lts server edition is of following reported:
$: cd /tmp 
$: wget -O kernel-3.7.3 
$: chmod +x kernel-3.7.3 
$: sudo sh kernel-3.7.3 

at this point we’ve to make a reboot of our ubuntu

$: sudo reboot

in case you don’t want that anymore to unistall the linux kernel the command is:

$: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.7.3*

if we’ve Nvidida board launch the followinf command:

$: cd /usr/src/linux-headers-3.7-030703/arch/x86/include
$: sudo cp -v generated/asm/unistd* ./asm
$: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current


$: sudo reboot

“cya to the next 1…. Njoy !”